Initiating a Translation
Contract should include translation agreements for: - Print Book - Ebook - Translation of AtomicKotlin EDU exercises and solutions
When there are competing publishers, I will relay the current offer to all publishers, including both the advance and the royalties. The decision will be made based on the combination of the two, but with a strong weight towards the advance.
The advance represents your expectations of the book’s sales. A low advance indicates you don’t think the book will do that well in your country.
The advance also represents your commitment to promoting and selling the book. A low advance indicates that you are not willing to take that risk.
Some publishers want to connect a higher advance to lower royalties. I do not consider the two to be connected.
Please understand that my goal in negotiating a high advance is the ability it gives me to finance future projects. Also it’s much simpler for me to focus on advances.
Different countries calculate royalties differently. Please be clear on whether your royalty percentage represents the wholesale or retail price of the book. Put another way, does the royalty represent a percentage of the cover price (retail) or is it a percentage of the price paid to the publisher by the distributor or bookseller (wholesale)?
Translation Sources
Github Markdown for Leanpub
AtomicKotlin EDU
Cover Artwork
- Reusability
- Artwork with words, can just replace the words
- Artwork only
Status of Translations
- Chinese: Active interest from several publishers
- Russian: Active interest from at least one publisher
Requesting Printed “Working Copies”
The print copies are not the most up-to-date “source of truth” for this book, but rather the Leanpub version is – that is the one I can easily update and should be used for reference (I additionally give read access to the Github repository where the markdown version of the book is stored, for publishers who want it). So I would rather only give the Leanpub and/or Github version for them to work from (also it is expensive, and a hassle for me, to print and send 3 copies to another country). If you really want a print copy of the book, please get it directly through Ingram, which distributes worldwide.